What is the proper way to attach two double-2x10 beams that butt together at a 4x4 post? Do you notch 3" of the 3.5" post and butt them together there, or does Simpson make a connector for that so you can just set it on top of the post without notching? Seems like the normal 4x4 post caps that attach to a beam are made for a solid double-2x10 beam and not where 2 beams butt together.
This is for a fairly steep lean-to sloped roof off of the back of my house for a covered porch if that matters. 30 foot width with 3 beams and 4 posts. A post on each corner with a post 1/3 of the way from each end where the beams join together.
EDIT: After checking my porch, it's actually a TRIPLE 2x10 on top of a 4x4. The beam sticks out 1/2 inch on either side of the post. I can't see because of the walls, but I assume the joints are staggered within the beam. So, I'd imagine I'd have to beef these up to a 4x6 to account for the extra beam width. So the same above question would apply to a 4x6. Pictures attached.